Я обратился к Blindman's blues за помощью. http://blindman.forumhoster.com/index.php?showtopic=5365&st=0&#entry73150 Возможно, что последний куплет
еще не совсем правильный. Но я думаю, что петь ее уже можно :)
For as far back as I can remember,
I either had a plow or hoe,
One those long old nine feet sacks,
Standing at the old turnrow,
Down in Mississippi
Down in Mississippi
Down in Mississippi where I Was Born
Down in Mississippi where I Come From
Nothing I got against Mississippi,
It also was the home of my wife,
But I feel just like I'm a lucky man,
Get away with my life
The had a hot season on the horizon,
If you shoot and you went to jail,
The season was always open on me,
Nobody leavin' no bail,